TransCurators, The Content Factory

Online Pharmacy's Conversion Success in 6 Months

Want to know how to build a powerful online presence through engaging content?

Well, you must have heard about the “health tech” industry. With the pandemic in the background, this industry blew up sales for the last couple of years. With easy online payment options, “tele medication” became easy access for people across the country.

But, the problem was for the online pharmacies. And “competition” was the pinning issue. As the startup expansion was at its peak(in thousands if you’re wondering), big pharma companies needed a different strategy to get past the race.

For this online pharma company, nothing seemed to be working. Advertisements, online content, video content, high-quality graphics, and even endorsements didn’t cut it.
The competition was kind of “out of the league”. They were keen to beat the ordinary, but the question was–” How to?”

Not that they didn’t have the kind of presence they wanted, but there wasn’t anything visible that could help them stand out. With so many huge companies out there, their business wasn’t generating the “desirable revenue”. They wanted to endorse more, to get a better hold of the audience, but this time, just fancy brand endorsements couldn’t cut it.

So what did they do? They thought of improvising their content on the internet. They took an appointment and visited us to share their worries. They explained the whole scenario, and just as we have been creating highly engaging content for the past years, we did exactly the same.

Not to mention, they just didn’t get the leverage they wanted, but their new content made them reach places they never expected to.


The biggest challenge was to create content that stands out, and by stand out, we mean really unique and engaging. No doubt, their content was somehow unique, but it was far from “engaging”. To add another thing, it wasn’t getting the right conversion rate, far from even the normal ratio.

On Transcurators, we always aim to provide what we are asked to. Not just because that’s what our clients require, but also because that’s what we do– We give our best. We reviewed their content a couple of times. We found a peculiar thing in them– all of them looked mechanical. The information was great and so was the page design, but the content was not powerful. There were no action words, nor the friendly tone that readers not only expect but deserve.

As it was time to shake things up, we took this as a challenge. Our team of writers did extensive research on all the given topics. We noticed that there were many mechanical words that needed to be broken down. And not only that, we even compared this company’s previous content with some of the elephants of the industry.

We created the exact content we were asked to. We improved the wording, we tried to make the tonality very friendly, and we even split one topic into two different topics to focus more on the details.

And after all the efforts, the results were worth the claps. The engagement shot up, the conversion rate increased, and the content reached more than a hundred target spots in the country.

Their MD Miss Parul quoted, “This could be our best shot to date that maximized our reach. A couple of years ago when everything was fine, the pandemic showed up from nowhere. Not that it affected our business specifically, but the competition sky-rocketed within a year. In spite of all the efforts, we weren’t somehow effective. We knew we had to do something about our content, so we contacted the Transcurators Team. The team was very generous, honestly, their writers are great. After they heard everything from us, they took their time and delivered a layout. That layout was very different from the regular ones and very promising. And after we agreed to that, they delivered a piece of content to know how it’s going to be from now on. The content was impeccably created, it was friendly, easy to read, and something that keeps you hooked. We never expected a written piece of content to be so creative. I think content like these helped us get the position we wanted to be in.”

Ms. Parul was more than happy and welcoming to let us handle their content from now on.

How did our content break the ice?

Content writing, as far as we understand, is not just information. It’s an art in itself. It requires a lot of energy for a writer to make something easy-to-read and easy to digest for a reader. Our team of writers has always made sure that they give their best in what they do. And that’s the reason why we are “highly spoken of”in this industry.

We always focus on our client’s needs. Be that writing long-form content, curating the existing content, or just improving the “readability”. Because at the end of the day, to us, all it matter is our clients’ satisfaction. And to make sure that we satisfy our clients, we have got the best industry-experienced writers. With a deadly combination of “expertise” and “experience”, we are always hitting the bar.

For this company, we needed to make the content engaging to impress their conversion rate and reach more audiences. And as we mentioned, we just took this up as a challenge and did exactly what we were asked to.

On Future Collaborations:

As Ms. Parul would like to put it, “Online Pharma Companies have to be consistent with their content. Companies on average need lots and lots of good content, just like the ones we got from TC’s Team.” This is what we also truly believe in creating good content consistently is important to thrive in every industry. It might sound easy, but to be frank, it requires a team of creative writers and editors just like the ones we have here.

If you are worried about not getting enough reach and wondering what might be the reason, it can be your content. Your content, if highly effective for the readers, can give you five times the reach you have ever had. Want to create genuine content for your readers and sky-rocket your reach? Contact our team – +91 9990084440.